11 Reasons You Must Sign Up for Year End Measurements & Testing
Great Friday to you!. To RSVP for Post Measurements / [...]
2011, P12&13, Week 3 Recap
Super Sunday to you! How are you feeling from this [...]
Monkey Minutes, Guest Day, Nutrition and Mr. & Mrs. Alves
Hola mi amigo! Yee-haw! Isn’t this weather awesome, I mean [...]
FREE Burn & Earn Turkey Workout, 8am, today @ Mackenzie Center
Buenos Dias mi amigos! 8am this morning, Thursday, November 24, [...]
2011, Phase 12 & 13 Overview
Great Tuesday to you! How are you feeling today from [...]
2011 Fighting Holiday Season Weight Gain
Quarterly Overview 4th Quarter. Crunch Time. In sports, in business [...]
2011, P11, Week 3 Recap
This week’s agenda: Cardio Minutes Empower Week Challenge Week Bonus [...]
Have you ever heard of thumbtack.com? It's the amazon of [...]
2011, P9, Week 3 Recap
Great Tuesday to you! I hope your Labor Day weekend [...]