The Right Voice at the Right Time!
"How you doin'?" Sometimes you need to hear the right voice at the right time to make a connection and that's what I wanted to write to you about. The Right Voice at the Right Time When people join CYBBC it's because there's something that works for them. It could be the coaching, it could be the thoughtful programming, it could be the awesome people they get to train with and/or it could be the great environments they get to train in. Or it could be combinations of those or all of them. However when someone makes the decision to reach out, sign up and commit, they were either frustrated with something, inspired by something or both and the voice and message they heard at the time was exactly what they [...]
How to carry your equipment?
I wanted to share an update about how to carry your equipment at boot camp. When the program first launched I used a rolling suitcase to carry my gear in because I had a lot of stuff besides the roller & mat and at some point, someone had a smart idea to also get a suitcase and begin carrying his/her equipment in like I did too. As members progressed from regular dumbbells to Power Blocks, more people started to adopt the rolling suitcase model. I didn't really have any reservations about it, until I started to think about your programming and how I could introduce Weighted Carries into the program. Weighted Carries: Farmers Carries, Suitcase Carries and Waiter Carries Have you ever used a wheel barrow? [...]
Work + Rest = Success
Hola Change Makers! This topic has been on my mind a lot lately so I thought I'd share so you could benefit too. If you're reading this you're either in a period of change in your life or you're about to begin a period of change in your life. Whichever it is, when you want to make change happen, you have to change and when you change you can make things happen. Another way to put it is, if you want more, you have to become more, you can't expect more and continue to do the same things. It doesn't work that way. If you want to change your body, your habits, your lifestyle you have to do more and ironically sometimes doing less, like eating less, [...]
Your 3rd Destination!
Home, Work and … Change Your Body Boot Camps. Your 3rd destination. Your favorite place to go to recharge, connect, change and get better. It’s your recurring, scheduled commitment to yourself AND others. Where you’re held accountable, encouraged, supported and challenged. The place you go to make yourself feel better and the place you go to connect and create experiences with kind & motivating people. It’s the place you go to learn new skills, grow as a person in all ways and change to a best-case version of yourself. It’s the place where we use your body to transform your life, all while following a personalized program and being led by the right coach for you. Phase 5 begins, Monday, April 24. Deadline to register for it [...]
CYBBC, 2017, P4 Overview: loads, equipment, habits, guest week, minutes and more!
Happy Spring to you! Are you ready to change and keep getting better? I hope so because our fast workouts from Q1 are continuing with fresh changes and the return of stations. Q2, P4 Overview The theme for the quarter is Fat Loss, Muscle Definition, Beach Season #1 and Summer Sports Training. The style of workouts we'll be doing in Phase 4 are metabolic strength. We started with performance testing to track progress from the start of the year and we'll finish this quarter with performance testing. We'll be moving the static stretch cool down to the beginning of the workout to follow the foam rolling routine. We'll be introducing speed and agility training following movement prep. Stations will return first with Medicine balls, paired [...]
Stealing Bases
// Stealing Bases is a super fun way to help your team score more runs by getting you into scoring position easier. I was an all-league, leadoff hitter and center fielder for my high school team and stealing bases was a great strength of mine. I'm not very fast, but I'm very quick and I was very technical with my base stealing, which helped me to get good jumps and beat the throws. I mostly stole 2nd, many times 3rd and once home, and I believe I stole, 2nd, 3rd & home consecutively against a good, rival pitcher. What does base stealing mean to you and why am I writing a post about it? It probably doesn't mean much at all. You probably don't play baseball or softball and [...]
Coaching: how do you like to be motivated?
You may have noticed that I've been bringing more enthusiasm and energy to your workouts lately and if you haven't noticed, that's o.k., I am and I'm writing to ask you what kind of coaching you like best or another way of saying it, is how do you like to be motivated? I've always been a good person to pick other people up. I can see their strengths and what their good at. I remember welcoming the new person to school who felt insecure. A classmate or teammate or family member or friend who was down, I could lift their spirits. Someone who was about to face a challenge and was having doubts, I could help them realize they were prepared, ready, it was their chance to [...]
Snow Policy
Snow Day Policy If there is snow on the ground, but it is not snowing, class will most likely be on. If there is snow on the ground and it is snowing, class will most likely be canceled. If school is canceled and class is on, you are welcome to bring your child to the 9am class, so long as your child can remain calm on the stage. Your safety is a priority to me, so if you don't feel safe, don't travel. BUT, if you're gut tells you, you can travel, then suck it up and get your butt over here. Remember one of the reasons you’re taking this class is to get in better shape and self discipline will help you get there. You want [...]
2014, P9, Week 3 Recap
Happy September to you! I hope you had a great summer and you’re ready to make a recommitted effort towards your 2014 goals and have a strong, fun and fulfilling finish to your year. To help you with this, I’ve decided I’ll simply send out cardio minutes and challenge workouts on Fridays and send recaps when I finish accumulating the data and content instead of making you wait until it’s all done. This should help you know what needs to be done over the w/e to hit your cardio goal and let you get a jump start on the CW’s or at least your planning of when you’ll do them. Speaking of CW’s, this phase’s are enduring, fun and partially challenging. CW#4 and CW#5 are DB Power [...]
2014, P9, Week 1 Recap
Peaceful Sunday morning to you! I hope you’re having a great weekend and you’re feeling sore from a super Saturday workout like me. The light bulb just went off, as I think I’m going to have to eat more starches and splurges if I want to preserve & promote lean muscle and keep my weight on, because I see a ton of cardio minutes in my future with pushing this stroller and later playing at the parks. What a nice problem opportunity to have ‘eh! Speaking of cardio minutes and splurge meals, today’s recap w/ cardio minutes is below and the ND&GST is in a few hours. I hope to see you there. This week’s agenda: Cardio Minutes Rookies 2014 CYBBC Goals P9 Overview P9 Workouts Weekly [...]
2014, P8, Week 3 Recap
Happy Tuesday to you! Ah remember the days when you might have trained solely for yourself and to pursue a hot mate and you were building your foundation or shrine of awesomeness. Each workout, each meal, each night of deep sleep you continued to pour high quality nourishment into said foundation making it wider, deeper and richer than before (aka buffing the shrine). You created a proverbial jumping off point for future endeavors, a wider and higher safety net to mitigate risk as you pursued new found opportunities, fear conquering and exhilaration. You combined your health, body composition and performance focused habits with other worldly and worthy investments into yourself and earned additional bright & noble achievements. Then because you wanted to do something deeper with this [...]
2014, P7, Week 3 Recap
Happy 4th of July to you! I hope you’re feeling great and enjoying your holiday weekend. I’m grateful to live in America and I’m grateful to get to coach wonderful people like you. This weeks recap includes a ton of shout outs and 3 awesome challenge workouts. The 1st two are DB Complexes and are very challenging muscularly, but should give you a great hormonal release and energize you later, while pumping up your beach muscles. You could follow up one of the challenge workouts with some sprint conditioning we did in class to help with muscle definition that makes beach season more fun. The 3rd challenge workout is a classic, that’s been recycled from January 2013. It’s 150 reps of spider march kick thru’s and hands [...]