Hello and humid Sunday to you!

My legs are sore!  Vanessa and I joined my colleagues from Joint Ventures Physical Therapy, Keith & Chris, down on the esplanade for some martial arts with Master Pheng.  It was a gorgeous morning with lots of people passing by cycling, running, walking their dogs (no pooches in sight-wink) and then there was us.  Doing these really weird looking movements that had people stopping, sitting on park benches and watching.

Today we learned the chicken “stomp” (step).  For pretty much an hour we did low walking lunges, while focusing on our chi (energy) and breathing.  It was pretty cool.  It stretched out my hips and made my quads sore.  I think I’ll stick to Krav Maga though. 

This week’s agenda:

  • Week 1 Recap
  • Cardio Minutes
  • Nutrition Discussion / Grocery Shopping Tour
  • Nutrition Tip
  • Week 2 Theme
  • Local Guest Day
  • Water, Band & Water Bottle
  • Questions
  • Summary

Week 1 Recap

We tested on Monday, learned the “Sawblade” (Body Saw) on Tues/Wed and experienced a foam roller Ab finisher Thurs/Fri.

You’ve heard of open and close ended questions, right?  Well, I try to engage you each class, by asking how you feel and the standing (actually sitting) response is “sore”.  Be on the lookout for a “so what’s sore today question?”  J

Based on email, text, voice mails and before & after class feedback, the majority of you are having a great start to phase 4.  Glad to hear & read.  I did notice however, that no one was sprawled out on the floor like last phase after the sled push, so…

Cardio Minutes:

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total
6am 26 19 20 65
9am 28 20 20 68
6:30pm 22 18 20 60

Week 3 Goals:

Rookies:  males = 125, females = 190

Returning boot campers:  males = 175 minutes, females = 250 minutes

Nutrition Discussion (ND) / Grocery Shopping Tour (GST)

Schedule Change:

The Nutrition Discussion & Grocery Shopping Tour will be on:

Saturday, May 8, from 10-12pm at the

Boys & Girls Club

675 Watertown St,

Newton, MA

instead of Sunday May 9 due to Mother’s Day.

Please rsvp now.

Nutrition Tip

A while back, I shared the below recipe with you:

Green beans (carb) rolled into ham (pro) and low fat havarti cheese (fat).

This week’s tip:

Place rolled snacks into sandwich bags, and push them up as you eat.  The baggie acts as a barrier b/w the food and your hands keeping your fingers clean & dry.  No more slimy fingers except when meal prepping these for the week.

Week 2 Theme

May 3 Workout C#1-sore

(S) 30:30 workout

(F) Total Body Finisher

(hope you don’t get dizzy easily)

© Sprints Around the Gym (SAG)

Workout A#2-less sore

(S) 60:60 workout

(F) Shoulder Finisher

© Bwd Band Pull

Workout B#2-less sore

(S) 20:10 workout

(F) Butt Finisher #2

© DB Swings-Lateral

Local Guest Day

Local guest day is scheduled for the middle class of the 3rd week.  You are welcome to bring a guest to class on one of the below dates.  Local guest day builds your support circle and lets your friends understand better what you do to look and feel so great.

  • 6:30pm, 5/11 @ Mackenzie Center
  • 6am, 5/12 @ B&G Club
  • 9am, 5/12 @ Mackenzie Center

All guests must complete a registration packet PRIOR to participation.  Guest day is a courtesy gesture from your peers and me.  Please DO NOT put me on the spot by having your guest arrive unannounced without prior completion of a waiver.  Click Here to download and e-mail your guest a registration packet to complete.

Non-Local/Out of Town Guest Day:

These guests are welcome anytime, but must be planned with me.  Please have these guests complete the guest registration packet and submit via e-mail prior to attendance.  You’ll never have to skip a beat when family, friends or colleagues are visiting.  Just bring them with you and create a new bond.

Water, Band & Water Bottle

Water:  Please bring water to class as Newton is one of the cities affected by the Weston pipe burst.

Band:  Does anyone from last phase have my ½” super band?  I lent it out during one of the challenge days.

Water Bottle:  Anyone missing a purple, aluminum water bottle, left after class last phase.  Come and see me if it’s yours.

Got Questions?

One of your peers asked me, “how do other people fit in so much cardio into their schedules?”  That’s a very good question.  Would you please take a moment and tell me how & when you fit in your cardio?  Comment here

Got a question?  Ask me a question and I’ll answer them in the forums.


  • If you’re reading this, you survived week 1
  • Report Cardio Minutes tomorrow
  • Sat, May 8th is ND & GST; RSVP Now
  • Use baggies for breadless sandwiches
  • Week 2 = Less Sore Week
  • 5/11 & 5/12 are local guest days
  • Bring H2O & extra ½” bands to class; collect purple H2O bottle
  • Got Questions?  Ask Mike, I’ll post answers here:  forums

Cheers and wishing you a great week of body changes!

Your coach,

Mike Alves

Newton Boot Camp

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