Happy End of the Year to you!

You’re in the home stretch of fighting holiday season weight gain.  If you can make these last 2 hurdles and keep your weight as is or even lose, you’ll have a bigger edge when resolution season begins and the environment becomes resistance free.

Save your splurge meals for special occasions and burn & earn before and after.  You can do it.  You’re ready.

This newsletter’s a big one.  Keep this page opened.  Scroll through, read the captions and click on the links to view more detail on the highlighted topics.  Then return to this page and continue reading until you’ve reached the end.

Please make time for this newsletter.  What you say or don’t say will shape the 2010 training calendar, workouts, my services to you, your experiences and your results.

On to the newsletter.

This week’s agenda:

Challenge Week Summary

If you’re reading this it means you survived challenge week.  High five!  J

Please click here to view the challenge week results.

Cardio Minutes:

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total
6am 20 17 20 57
9am 17 22 15 54
6:30pm 19 13 15 47

Week 6 Goals:

Rookies / Returning boot campers:  males = 175 minutes, females = 250 minutes

Please click here to post your weekly cardio minutes for the last 2 weeks.

Measurements & Testing

8 of your peers showed up for M&T.

One person, Sally Babigian lost 19.5 lbs in 12 weeks and has the most amazing before and after photos.

Lora Gross-Kostka lost ~4” off her waist and 5 lbs in 8 weeks.

Helen Rousseau lost 9 % BF, 20 lbs since May and is at her pre-pregnancy weight after having 4 children.  Plus she can do 9 regular push ups after starting with 1.

Alicia Straus set the female class record (previously held by Lisa Radley with 21) for regular push ups with 23.  Sally Babigian tied Quyen Chu for the female class record of frog squats with 52.  Most everyone set a personal record on their 1 mile run.

Marisa Cimino saw all of her M&T’s improve across the board.

Lynn Palmatier cut 2 minutes off her 1 mile run.

Susan Andelman has lost 6 lbs and Amy Travers attended her first M&T.

Recovery Week Workout #2

Look for it in your inbox this coming weekend.

Recovery Week Cardio Goal

Men 252 minutes each week.  756 minutes by midnight, January 10th.

Women 360 minutes each week.  1080 minutes by midnight, January 10th.

Charity Workout

Today, Wednesday, December 23, 2009 was a charity boot camp to benefit the Sacred Heart Parish.  10 of your peers participated and learned the recovery week workout #2.

2010 Schedule

I need you to vote “Yes” or “No” AND post your concerns regarding the 2010 schedule on this survey, click here. (note:  the schedule is in the survey)

Change Your Body Challenge

6 entrants started the fall ’09 Change Your Body Challenge.  Two women made it to the finish line.  Coincidentally they were both from the Boston / Newton area and both your teammates.  Please congratulate Lora Gross-Kostka and Sally Babigian for being brave enough to enter and determined enough to finish.  I’ll be asking you to vote and then we’ll announce the winners early next week.

The next contest begins, Monday, January 11, 2010.  If you’re determined to change your lifestyle and your body, need some additional motivation (public accountability and cash prizes) and desire to make 2010 the best year of your life, then go ahead and rsvp here.


Please take a moment and complete the Phase 9 / End of the Year Wrap Up Survey.  Your answers will shape the programming and in turn your body for 2010

Cheers and happy end of the year to you!

Your coach,
Mike Alves
