Weekly Themes
Each week we’ll have a different theme and even some days we’ll have a different theme. Themes make your experience more fun and remind you of how your body will be feeling or what you’ll be doing.
Week 1: Intro / Measurements & Orientation / Cardio Progression Week for Returning Boot Campers / Less Sets, Reps, Rounds and/or Load. Perfect form. Very Sore Week for All
Week 2: 2nd Exposure / Regular reps, sets, rounds and/or load / Perfect form / Less Sore
Nutrition Discussion / Grocery Shopping Tour
Week 3: Record Week / Increased reps, sets, rounds and/or load / Perfect form / Sore / Post Testing
Recovery Week: Challenge Week / Individual Challenge Week / on own, max reps, sets, rounds and/or weight in same time or less / Perfect form / Very Sore, but loving it / M&O
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