Stretch, Sprint & Happy Hour w/ Coach Mike – 8-11am

Saturdays from April 18 – May 16, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)

  1. Apr 18, 2020 08:00 AM
  2. Apr 25, 2020 08:00 AM
  3. May 2, 2020 08:00 AM
  4. May 9, 2020 08:00 AM
  5. May 16, 2020 08:00 AM

I’ve been soliciting a lot of feedback after classes and over email, text and phone.

Support for stretching, more cardio and a way to connect outside of boot camp were 3 suggestions by members, this special Saturday workout is trying to address.

Stretch: 8-9am
Coach Mike will lead you through full body stretching. You most likely will get zero cardio minutes for this, but you should feel much better than when you arrived and maybe great or awesome.

A lot of the stretching is what Mike does on his recovery days, before sports & sprinting, before nights when he’s going to be dancing and parts from the different teams he’s worked with in the past.

If you’re feeling extra tight or stiff because you’re working from home, the new training, both or other, we’ll address most of what you feel.  If you tell me what you’re feeling, I’ll see if I can address it specifically in the program.  If not we can meet in the 15min before or after boot camp to address your concerns or you can schedule a private training session to go longer and deeper into your needs.

Sprints: 9-9:45am
This will be on your own. Coach Mike will give you a plan to follow. It’ll be done in the street or on the sidewalk somewhere close and convenient to your home. He was going to give you a track workout, but Boston is discouraging people from using the tracks, so I imagine Newton and surrounding towns are doing the same.

This won’t actually be a sprint. It’ll be tempo runs or strides. Run kind of fast, but not all out and not jogging. Rest until your heart rate returns to 120 beats per minute (20 beats or less in 10seconds), then repeat.

Happy Hour: 10-11am
Vanessa had a happy hour with her friends and it was a major success. A member suggested having a group chat. Facebook would be the easiest b/c many members are on there, but not all members. This was my idea and I’m open to more.

It’s really just a chance to catch up and shoot the breeze. You can be sweaty or showered. Eating a meal or not. Enjoying a beverage or not. Just a fun way to see each other, laugh and connect.

Zoom Link
A special zoom link for the stretch workouts will be shared upon checkout.

Choose Your Option


Corona Virus Bonus Week

Monday, April 20 to Friday, April 24, 2020


6:00am, M / W / F

9:00am, M / W / F

6:30pm, M / T / Th

Trade vs. Pay
Since we’re all sheltered in place because of the Corona Virus, we mine as well keep training.  I thought about using a week of training later in the year and the only week that made sense to me, was the last week of December’s Phase 13, but then we’d have a 3 week year end break and nobody really likes that long away, so an add on week, was the decision.

Pay to Participate
This bonus week is a pay to participate, add on week of training during a time we would have had no classes, and have been off for our April Vacation / Empowerment Week.

A Majority Is Needed
We need a certain majority of people to sign up to keep the full, class schedule. If not, I’ll either cancel certain classes for the week or not have classes at all.

No Make Ups
You can not use make ups from the previous phase to participate in this week. This is an add on, pay to participate, bonus week.

Zoom Link
Special zoom links will be shared upon checkout.

How many workouts?