Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention.

I have a very special announcement to make.  We have arrived at the final week of the final phase of the 2009 Boot Camp Calendar.  Week #6, of the very 1st 6 week phase of Change Your Body Boot Camps history has arrived and is ready to deliver 1 final, magical week of body transformations to its highly respected, superstar clientele.  With its arrival has come the uber famous, extremely popular and oh so difficult Challenge Week.

Challenge Week

Challenge week is a week of physical challenges, most of which are team challenges.  It started out as challenge day and became so popular and revered that it evolved into a challenge week.

The way it works, is I’ll take your existing workout and ask you to complete “X” number of reps or “X” number of rounds in 20 minutes or to beat “X” reps/rounds in the least amount of time.  It’s physically painful because your lungs and muscles will burn, your eyes fill with sweat and your mind is challenged to the max (I can’t go on, I can go on, etc…).  It’s also really fun in a crazy way because for some reason, your peers L-O-V-E it and requested that we keep it.

The reason we have the challenge week besides the fun part is because I want you to see how far you’ve come and to peak for measurements and testing.  This week you’ll be able to shed a lot of body fat and body weight and earn a really hard, lean & tight body.  You’re going to love how you look and feel.  I promise.

So be prepared to do your best, to count reps or rounds and to support your teammates.  The energy this week is going to be amazing.

This week’s agenda:

  • Challenge Week
  • Week 5 Summary
  • Cardio Minutes
  • Measurements & Testing
  • Charity Workout
  • Recovery Week #2
  • 2010 Schedule
  • Change Your Body Challenge (CYBC)

Week 5 Summary

You survived progression week.  What did you think?  Did you try a level up?  Did you set any personal records?

  • Progress a level up in exercises
  • Do more reps
  • Take less rest (you don’t need to use all 200 seconds)
  • Use more weight
  • Do more work in the same time
  • Go faster

Your peers reported feeling sore at the beginning of the week, but less sore by the end.

Can you feel your body changing?  Are you getting excited about it?

High five if you made it to boot camp on Wednesday during the Snow Day.  You did well.  J

Cardio Minutes:

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total
6am 20 20 20 60
9am 20 23 20 63
6:30pm 21 20 20 61

Week 6 Goals:

Rookies / Returning boot campers:  males = 175 minutes, females = 250 minutes

Measurements & Testing

The last M&T will be from 6-8am on Saturday, December 19, 2009 at the boys & girls club.  This week is your final push.  Save your splurge meal for Saturday night, eat clean all week and match or beat your cardio minutes.  Do this and you’ll help ensure a favorable recording day.

Most everyone else is gaining weight this holiday season and getting out of shape, but not you.  You’re fighting holiday season weight gain and building momentum for 2010.  Prepare to win!

Charity Workout

6am, Wednesday, December 23 at the Mackenzie Center there will be a charity workout to benefit the Sacred Heart Parish.  SHP was very patient and flexible with me as I grew my business from scratch this year, so I’d like to say thank you to them by helping support their non-profit endeavors.

I’ll be teaching the end of year recovery workout that all 3-month and 12-month members will be receiving.  If you’d like to join us, please rsvp by commenting below and bring a $20 check payable to the Sacred Heart Parish.

Recovery Week 2

Your 30-30 recovery week workout is ½ complete.  Thank you Marisa Cimino for taking the photos & videos of me performing the workouts (thank you also for the hand towel).

2010 Schedule


Phase #1- January 10 – February 13

  • Intro:  Sunday January 10,

Phase #2- February 21 – March 21

  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sun, Feb 21

Phase #3- March 28 – April 18

  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sun, Mar 28

Phase #4- April 25 – May 23

  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sunday, April 25

Phase #5- May 29 – July 3

  • *No class on Memorial Day Monday, May 31
  • Memorial Week Classes R/S to  6am T / W / F, 9am T / W / F, 6:30pm T / W / F
  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Saturday, May 29

Phase #6- July 11th to August 1

  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sunday, July 11, ~8-9:30am

Phase #7- August 22 – Sept 19

  • *No class on Labor Day, Monday, September 6th
  • Labor Day Week Classes R/S to 6am T / W / F, 9am T / W / F, 6:30pm T / W F
  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sunday, August 22

Phase #8- September 26 – October 24

  • Pre-M&T /  Intro:  Sunday, September 26

Phase #9- October 31 – December 19

  • 3 weeks on, 1 week off, 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off
  • Recovery Week: Thanksgiving Break- November 22nd to 28th
  • Recovery Weeks:  End of Year Winter Break, December 20th to January 8th, 2011

Proposed 2010 training calendar.

It is a 3-week on, 1-week off training schedule. This format maximizes training results while providing for the necessary pre-planned mental and physical regeneration for long-term success and injury prevention. The sole exception to this format is a 2-week end of year break during the busy and stressful Holiday season to provide complete recovery from a solid year of training.

Phase #1- January 4th to January 22nd

– Orientation: Saturday, January 2nd

Phase #2- February 1st to February 19th

– Orientation: Saturday, January 29th

Phase #3- March 1st to March 19th

– Orientation: Saturday, February 27th

Phase #4- March 29th to April 16th

– Orientation: Saturday, March 27th

Phase #5- April 26th to May 14th

–  Orientation: Saturday, April 24th

Phase #6- May 24th to June 11th

–  Orientation: Saturday, May 22nd

Phase #7- June 21st to July 9th

–  Orientation: Saturday, June 19th

Phase #8- July 19th to August 6th

– Orientation: Saturday, July 17th

Phase#9- August 16th to September 3rd

– Orientation: Saturday, August 14th

Phase#10- September 13th to October 1st

– Orientation: Saturday, September 11th

Phase#11- October 11th to October 29th

– Orientation: Saturday, October 9th

Phase#12- November 8th to November 26th

– Orientation: Saturday, November 6th

Phase#13- December 6th to December 17th

***END OF YEAR 2-WEEK BREAK: Training resumes on Monday, January 3rd!

NOTE- There is no training on the following holidays:

1.) Memorial Day

2.) Independence Day

3.) Thanksgiving Day

Change Your Body Challenge

This is the last week of the Change Your Body Challenge.  Good luck and strong finish to the entrants in your final week.  Burn baby burn.  Put your head down and keep finding extra minutes to burn.

Cheers and challenging week to you!

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s. please comment below with your thoughts.

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