
Welcome to the Change Your Body Boot Camps’ website.  I’m Mike Alves, the owner and head coach of CYBBC and possibly your new coach too.  If you’re reading this page, it means you were smart enough to recognize a great opportunity to improve yourself and jump start the quality of your life before the year is over.  CYBBC is a relationship, body and lifestyle transformation, fitness program and as such has concrete start times and end times.  If you’re curious and excited to experience CYBBC and how your life could be better as a result of your participation, purchase now, get registered and let’s get you ready to start.  The clock is ticking and registration deadlines, come quick.  Buy now and follow the steps on the thank you page.

Changing Lives,

Mike Alves

1 Phase of BC in 2015 (value $310)
P12: Nov 2 – Nov 21, 2015 P13: Nov 30 – Dec 19, 2015
