Thank You for continuing with Change Your Body Boot Camps.


Your decision to return is already impacting your life for the better.  You value an active lifestyle and reap the rewards of your efforts.  The exciting fitness adventure begins a new chapter and you are more prepared for it.  Take special notice of how far you have come when you mentor each new participant. 

Just because you are a returning All-Star doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels.  Look what happened to Nomar & Manny.  Forever and always you have to strive to do your best, learn and grow.  You can not become complacent or comfortable.  That’s when old habits and ugly fat return and you don’t want that.  You want to reach and push the limits of your genetic potential.  How great can you become?  How strong, mentally, physically and emotionally can you be?  How sexy can you look?  How much energy can you have?  

These are stimulating questions of life only you can answer.  A new window has opened and you’ve chosen to jump in.  Welcome back! 

I look forward to once again challenging you to be your best and helping you push through previous barriers to success.  

Last, I expect you to be a leader and mentor to all new participants.  Make them feel welcome, encourage them when they’re weak and share your stories of obstacles overcome.  

Until I come up with a better system (ideas welcomed), please download and update the following forms.  

  • A Personal Contact Form
  • Questions regarding your decision to sign up
  • a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (Par Q)
  • A Waiver Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement
  • An Informed Consent Agreement.  

 E-mail them back to me upon completion:  mike(at)mikealves(dot)com

 Click here to download the registration packet.


Continued cheers, fast body changes and fun! 

 Your personal coach,

 Mike Alves
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