Got a tight spot or recurring muscle problem you want to work on?
Want to get your own daily warm up / corrective cardio routine that you can do anytime, especially when your body doesn’t feel good and you want to get energized?
Here’s your chance:
    • pre-pay below
    • schedule your 45min assessment (goal setting and functional movement screen)
    • get a custom corrective cardio routine
    • get a 45min virtual training session to learn it (*we’ll work with the equipment you have)
You’ll do this routine 12 times in no more than 12 weeks and no less than 4 weeks.  You can get up to 60minutes of cardio for your routine and as few as 15-20min.  At the end of the 12 workouts, you can choose to complete another assessment (goal setting and functional movement screen) to review your progress and get the next progression of your custom corrective cardio routine.
I imagine future versions of a personally tailored corrective cardio routine can go in many directions, high intensity performance, continual chipping away at different chronic aches you may have had and/or targeted body transformation.  Either way, it’s fun, simple and custom.
The rate is $397 for the assessment, custom corrective cardio program and virtual training session.
You can purchase now.




Next schedule your 45min Virtual Assessment (Goal Setting and Movement Screen).

Last schedule your C3 virtual training session to learn your new C3 routine.