Disclaimer:  Use your best judgment during these workouts.  Go at your own pace.  If you need to rest, take a break or drink water, do it.  It’s o.k.  Remember form is always first.  Do not sacrifice form for speed.  These challenges are not that important, your long term health & safety is.  These are fun & challenging workouts that you’ve been prepared for over the last few weeks and are designed to yield maximum results in short periods of time if you’re following the nutrition & cardio plan.  You may need additional caloric consumption, water, stretching/rolling, naps and/or rest on these days.  Take it, its o.k.

Challenge Day #1:  Individual

392 Rep Strength, 16 Round Band Conditioning Challenges (30-40min)

Individual Goal:  Complete All Challenges in 30-40 minutes or less.

This is modeled after a biathlon.  Biathlons have 2legs (swim & bike, swim & run or bike and run), f/b timed transitions b/w legs.

Workout A, 392 Rep Strength (20min)

Individual Goal:  complete 392 reps;

A1.  TRX Inverted Row Regressions or Seated Band Row Progressions:  horizontal-wide, h-narrow, h-1-leg, vertical x 98

A2.  Push Up T RegressionsDB P.U. T’s, DB Kneel P.U. T’s, P.U. T’s, Kneel P.U. T’s, Plyo P.U. to Reg P.U. x98 (1 push up = 1 rep; 1 side = 1 rep)

A3.  Spider Slide Regressions:  PU Towel Reach & Slide, Alt Reach, PU w/ Alt Slide, PUP w/ Alt Run, PUP w/ Alt Switch, PUP w/ Alt Slide, Plank w/ Alt Slide x49 / side

A4.  Lateral Lunge w/ Reach RegressionsBW, 1-DB, 2-DB, x49/side

Go in any order and do any rep denomination you choose.  Keep track of how many reps you’ve completed.

Aim to finish around 20 minutes or less.  When finished record your time.

Immediately move on to the next challenge.

16 Round Band Conditioning Challenge (10min/person or 20min/pair)

Individual Goal:  16 max effort rounds @ 20 seconds / round in 10min or less

B1.  Band Traversing High Knee Run, 4 max effort rounds x 20 sec / round / person

B2.  Band Lateral Shuffle Right, 3 max effort rounds x 20 sec / round / person

B3.  Band Lateral Shuffle Left, 3 max effort rounds x 20 sec / round / person

B4.  Band Backwards Run, 3 max effort rounds x 20 sec / round / person

B5.  Band Fireman’s Pull alternative:  Backwards Run, Pull & Row, 3 max effort rounds x 20 sec / round / person

Aim to finish around 10 minutes or less if individual, 20min if pair.  When finished record your time.

When you beat the 30-40 min Individual Time Challenge, let out a hoo-rah!

Move on to the cool down stretch.

Post your times on bootcampboston.com/ challenge-week-phase-5-2011/

YOU WILL FINISH AS EVERYONE FINISHES.  No matter how long it takes.  Keep going!

Challenge Day #2:  Individual

15 Round Strength, 1 Round Shoulder and 120 Rep Tennis Conditioning Challenges (40min)

Individual Goal:  Complete All Challenges in 40 minutes or less.

This is modeled after a triathlon.  Triathlons have 3 legs (swim, bike & run), f/b timed transitions b/w each leg.

Workout B, 15 Round Strength (20min)

Individual Goal:  complete 15 rounds (8 rounds in circuit #1, 7 rounds in circuit #2)

A1.  Towel 1-Arm Reach ProgressionKnees, Feet, Kneel Push Up Reach, PU Reach, Alt Push Up Reach x 10

A2.  TRX Anti-Rotation Press Progressions or Band Rot:   Reach Back Rot, Press, Press w/ Rot, x10 (1side/round)

A3.  SLDL Progression:  BW, 1-DB, 2-DB, 2-DB w/ Bicep Curl, 2DB w/ Curl to Press x10 (1side/round)

Complete as many rounds of 10 reps per exercise as you can in 10 minutes.

When finished record your time.  Immediately move on to circuit #2.

B1.  Push Up Row ProgressionsBW Knees, BW Feet, DB Knees, DB Feet, Push Up+DB Feet, x10, 2arms=2reps

B2.  DB Burpees Progressions:  bodyweight, walkout, jump-out x10

B3.  Sumo Dead Lift:  Frog Squat, DB, DB-to Biceps Curl x10

Complete as many rounds of 10 reps per exercise as you can in 10 minutes.

When finished record your time.  Immediately move on to the shoulder finisher.

1 Round YTWLI Shoulder Finisher (5min)

Individual goal:  complete 1 round.

Use 231 tempo.  1 count up, 3 count hold, 2 count down and repeat.

C1.  Bent-Over Y’s:  Squat, Split, 1-Leg x 10 reps

C2.  Bent-Over T’s:  Squat, Split, 1-Leg x 10 reps

C3.  Bent-Over W’s:  Squat, Split, 1-Leg x 10 reps

C4.  Bent-Over L’s:  Squat, Split, 1-Leg x 10 reps

C5.  Bent-Over I’s:  Squat, Split, 1-Leg x 10 reps

If you need to stand because your back gets stiff, aim to stand after 10 reps and then squeeze butt & shoulders

Aim to finish all reps for all 5 exercises in 5 minutes to equal 1 round.

When finished record your time.  Immediately move on to the next challenge.

120 Rep Tennis Conditioning (15min)

Individual Goal:  complete 120 reps

D1.  Forward & Backward Run x 30 lines

D2.  Turn & Run x30lines

D3.  Cariocca Run x30 lines

D4.  Shuttle Run x30 lines

Draw two lines 6 yards or 18 feet 10 inches apart or on a basketball court go endline to free throw line.

Run from 1-line to the next.  Each time you reach a line it equals 1 rep.  There and back equals 2 reps or 2 lines.

Aim to finish around 15 minutes or less.  When finished record your time.

When you beat the 40 min Individual Time Challenge, let out a hoo-rah!

Move on to the cool down stretch.

Post your times on bootcampboston.com/ challenge-week-phase-5-2011/

YOU WILL FINISH AS EVERYONE FINISHES.  No matter how long it takes.  Keep going!

Challenge Day #3:  Individual

392 Rep Strength, 15/11/9/5 Base running Conditioning Challenges (40min)

Individual Goal:  Complete All Challenges in 40 minutes or less.

This is modeled after a biathlon.  Biathlons have 2legs (swim & bike, swim & run or bike and run), f/b timed transitions b/w legs.

Workout C, 392 Rep Strength (20min)

Individual Goal:  complete 392 Reps

A1:  Split Squat RegressionsScissor Jump, Split Jump, Alternating Reverse Lunges and Split Squat, , x49/side

A2:  TRX Vertical Pull Regressions or Band Face PullsPiked Pull/chin Ups, legs down pull/chin ups, leg assisted chin ups x98

A3:  Band OH Press Regressions2-bands/2-feet, 1-band/2-feet, 1-band/1-foot, 1-band push press/1-foot x98

A4:  Backside Bridge w/ Towel Hip ABD Slide RegressionsForearms w/ Straight Legs, S. Arms/SL, SA/Bent Knees, Supine Bridge x49/side

Go in any order and do any rep denomination you choose.

You don’t have to finish all reps before moving onto the next exercise.  You can come back.

Keep track of how many reps you’ve completed.

Aim to finish around 20 minutes or less.

When finished record your time.

Immediately move on to the next challenge.

15, 11, 9 and 5 Base Running Conditioning or 300 DB Swing Conditioning (20min)

Individual Goal:  complete 15 singles (90 ft), 11 doubles (180ft), 9 triples (270 ft), 5 homeruns (360 ft)

Measure the following:

B1.  15 Singles = home to 1st or 90 foot sprint, or end line to endline.

B2.  11 Doubles= home to 2nd or 180 foot sprint or endline to endline to side line.

B3.  9 Triples = home to 3rd or 270 foot sprint or endline to endline to side line to endline to endline.

B4.  5 Home runs = home to home or 360 foot sprint or endline to endline to side line to endline to side line.

Doing all exercises & associated reps in circuit equals 1 round.

Aim to finish around 10 minutes or less.  When finished record your time.


300 Rep DB Swing Conditioning (20min)

Individual Goal:  300 reps DB Swings

Aim to finish around 20 minutes or less.

B5.  DB Swings Progressions:  2-arm/1-DB, 1-arm/1-DB, 2-DB’s x 300 reps

When finished, record your time.

When you beat the 40 min Individual Time Challenge, let out a hoo-rah!

Move on to the cool down stretch.

Post your times on bootcampboston.com/ challenge-week-phase-5-2011/

YOU WILL FINISH AS EVERYONE FINISHES.  No matter how long it takes.  Keep going!