Bonus Week
The schedule will remain as it is currently with the exception of adding a bonus week next week, January 4th and a possible bonus week in August.

6am, M / W / F @ B&G Club
9am, M / W / Th @ Mackenzie
6:30pm, M / T / Th @ Mackenzie

The bonus week training will consist of the fat loss jump start (20:10’s) on day 1, the thanksgiving break workout (50:10’s) on day 2 and the holiday winter workout (30:30’s) on day 3.

The following week, January 11th, we’ll resume with a new program and plan.

The reason you have to pay for the bonus week is because this wasn’t factored into any monthly billing agreements or phase to phase agreements you’ve already paid. I have to pay additional rent for the spaces and deserve to be compensated for my time.

Choose Your Classes:
B&G Club (6am): 3 Day, Fastest Results $60.00
B&G Club (6am): 2 Day, Twice as Fast as One $44.00
B&G Club (6am): 1 Day is better than no days $25.00
Mackenzie (9am): 3 Day, Fastest Results $60.00
Mackenzie (9am): 2 Day, Twice as Fast as One $44.00
Mackenzie (9am): 1 Day is better than no days $25.00
Mackenzie (6:30pm): 3 Day, Fastest Results $60.00
Mackenzie (6:30pm): 2 Day, Twice as Fast as One $44.00
Mackenzie (6:30pm): 1 Day is better than no days $25.00

*I will be away snowboarding until Saturday evening, so if you have a comment or concern
I’ll return correspondence on Sunday, January 3rd.


*Pre & Post M&T’s are subject to change; confirm before attending

*Possible bonus week during August 3 week break

Phase #1- January 10 – February 13

  • 5 weeks on, 1 week off
  • Recovery Week: Valentines Week Break- February 14 – 20
  • Pre-Measurements & Testing (M&T) / Intro:  Sunday January 10, ~8-9:30am
  • Post-M&T:  Saturday, February 13, ~8-9:30am
  • Nutrition Discussion (ND) & Grocery Shopping Tour (GST):  Sun, Jan 24 from 10-12pm

Phase #2- February 21 – March 21

  • 4 weeks on, 1 week off
  • Recovery Week:  Spring Break- March 22 to 27
  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sun, Feb 21, ~8-9:30am
  • ND & GST:  Sun, Mar 7, 10-12pm
  • Post-M&T:  Sun, Mar 21, ~8-9:30am

Phase #3- March 28 – April 18

  • 3 weeks on, 1 week off
  • Recovery Week:  April 18-April 24
  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sun, Mar 28, ~8-9:30a
  • ND & GST:  Sun, Apr 11, 10-12p

Phase #4- April 25 – May 23

  • 4 weeks on, 1 week off
  • Recover Week:  May 24 to May31
  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sunday, April 25, ~8-9:30am
  • ND & GST:  Sunday, May 9, 10-12pm
  • Post-M&T:  Sunday, May 23, ~8-9:30am

Phase #5- May 29 – July 3

  • 5 weeks on, 1 week off
  • *No class on Memorial Day Monday, May 31
  • Memorial Week Classes R/S to  6am T / W / F, 9am T / W / F, 6:30pm T / W / F
  • Recovery Week: July 4th to July 10th
  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Saturday, May 29, ~8-9:30am
  • ND & GST:  Sunday, June 13, 10-12pm
  • Post-M&T:  Saturday, July 3, ~8-9:30am

Phase #6- July 11th to August 1

  • 3 weeks on, 3 week off
  • Recovery Weeks:  Summer Break- August 2th to August 21th
  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sunday, July 11, ~8-9:30am
  • ND & GST:  Sunday, July 25, 10-12pm
  • Post-Measurements Only:  Sunday August 1, 8-9:00am

Phase #7- August 22 – Sept 19

  • 4 weeks on, 1 week off
  • *No class on Labor Day, Monday, September 6th
  • Labor Day Week Classes R/S to 6am T / W / F, 9am T / W / F, 6:30pm T / W F
  • Recovery Weeks:  September 20 – September 25
  • Pre-M&T / Intro:  Sunday, August 22, ~8-9:30am
  • ND & GST:  Sunday, September 12, 10-12pm
  • Post-M&T:  Sunday, September 19, ~8-9:30am

Phase #8- September 26 – October 24

  • 4 weeks on, 1 week off
  • Recovery Week:  Halloween Break- October 25 – October 30
  • Pre-M&T /  Intro:  Sunday, September 26, ~8-9:30am
  • ND & GST:  Sunday, October 10, 10-12pm
  • Post-M&T:  Sunday, October 24, ~8-9:30am
  • Please come support special charity workout

Phase #9- October 31 – December 19

  • 3 weeks on, 1 week off, 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off
  • Recovery Week: Thanksgiving Break- November 22st to 28th
  • Recovery Weeks:  End of Year Winter Break, December 20th to January 8th, 2011
  • Please come support special charity workouts
  • Pre-M&T /  Intro:  Sunday, October 31, ~8-9:30am
  • ND & GST:  Sunday, November 14, 10-12pm
  • Post-M&T:  Sunday, December 19, 8-9:30am


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