Bonus Week

Happy Recovery AND Thanksgiving Week to you.  Recovery weeks are one of my favorites and combining it with a “be grateful” holiday like Thanksgiving makes for a great week of recharging.

Here’s the plan for the week.  We’ll follow a normal class schedule for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and if there’s enough interest and it works on my end too, we’ll do an early morning Thursday workout.  No classes on Friday.

  • 6am, M / W @ View Larger Map, B&G Club, 675 Watertown St, Newton, MA  02465
  • 9am, M / W @ View Larger Map, Mackenzie Center, 1337 Centre St, Newton Centre, MA 02459
  • 6:30pm, M / T @ View Larger Map, Mackenzie Center, 1337 Centre St, Newton Centre, MA 02459

If you’re interested in a Thursday morning Pre-Thanksgiving Day workout, please let me know here:

Thanksgiving Day BC Interest Sheet

Thank you again for your business and the opportunity to coach.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.


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