Workout B: click for pdf
Foam Roll: 5min (20:10)
- Pec Roll
- It-Band
- Straight Leg Adductor
- Lateral Leg Swings
- 3-Way Straight Leg Ankle Mobes
Movement Prep-5min (50:10)
- Deep Squat
- Inchworm
- Lateral Band Walk
- Wall Slide or Supine w/ DB’s
- Quadruped Opposites
Strength Circuit-20min
40sec on x 20sec active rest x 5 rounds each (10 total sets) or *15-20 reps / 40sec
A1: DB Dead Lift to Shrug, to High Pull, to Speed Snatch x40sec
A2: Drop Set, x20sec
B1: Seated Band Row: Palms Up, Palms Neutral, Palms Down to Up, x40sec
B2: Seated Band Biceps Curle, x20sec
C1: Close Grip Push Ups: Kneeling, Regular, Regular w/ FR, x40sec
C2: Drop Set, x20 sec
D1: Plank w/ 1-extremity, Plank Opposites, PU Opposites, x40sec
D2: Plank, x20sec
Finishers (5min)
E1: Hips (50:10): Towel Curl, FR 1-Leg Bridge-Right, FR 1-Leg Bridge Left, Lateral X-Band Walk, Linear X-Band Walk
Conditioning: (20min)
F1: Linear Sprints: 60sec on and 60, 120 or 180sec off for leaders/all-stars, sophomores and rookies
Static Stretch: 5min (15:5)
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Workout C
Foam Roll: 5min (20:10 or 5-10 rolls / reps)
1. Back / Thoracic Extension
2. Piriformis
3. Hamstrings
4. Reach, Roll & Lift
5. Linear Leg Swings
Movement Prep-5min (50:10)
- 1-Leg Arm Circles (switch ½ way) x 30-40 reps
- Lateral Prisoner Squat (switch ½ way) x 15-20 reps
- Side Plank (switch ½ way) x 50 count
- Reverse Lunge to OH Reach (switch ½ way) x 4-8 reps
- Crab Walk Around Mat (switch ½ way) x 1-3 laps each
Strength Circuit-20min
30:30 (strength:core): 4 rounds, *15-20reps/30sec or **30sec hold or ***10-12 reps if landing with 2 count holds
A1: Lateral Jump, Lateral Squat Jump, Lateral Tuck Jump***
A2: Pike Push Backs w/ Towel, Pike Press Ups, Pike Push Backs*, **, *
B1: Backside Bridge, Alternating Tripod, Springing Tripod Twist**, *, ***
B2: Pike Push Backs w/ Towel, Pike Press Ups, Pike Push Backs*, **, *
C1: Wall Slides: 90 Body Weight, 90 Alt Body Weight, Hand Stand Holds*, **
C2: Pike Push Backs w/ Towel, Pike Press Ups, Pike Push Backs*, **, *
D1: Side Plank w/ Hip to Shoulder Diaganol Raise***
D2: Pike Push Backs w/ Towel, Pike Press Ups, Pike Push Backs*, **, *
E1: OH Split Squat, OH Bench Lunge, 1-Leg Squat* or **
E2: Pike Push Backs w/ Towel, Pike Press Ups, Pike Push Backs*, **, *
Finishers-5min (300 jacks)
F1: Scissor Jacks
G1: 10 Yard Lateral Shuffles with Burpees: 30sec on, 30, 60 or 90sec for leaders/all-stars, sophomores and rookies.
Static Stretch: 5min (25:5)
10. ½ Kneel Hip/Quad Against Wall-Left |
Workout D
Foam Roll: 5min (20:10 or 5-10 rolls / reps)
- 1-Arm Lat
- 1-Leg Calf
- 1-Leg Quad
- Side-Lying Thoracic Rolls
- ½ Kneel Hip Flexors
*click here to watch a video
Movement Prep-5min (50:10 or reps posted)
- Frog Squat to Y-Raise x 15-20 reps
- Forward Lunge to High Knee Hug x 4-8 reps
- Rotational Lunge to Figure-Four Glute Pull x 4-8 reps
- Push Ups x 15-50 reps
- Mountain Climber Holds x 15-20 reps
*click here to watch a video
Strength Circuit-20min
50:10 or 20-25 reps w/ 10sec rest per exercise (5), 4 rounds; rest 1 min after completing all rounds
A1: DB Swings: 2 hands/1-DB, 1 hand/1-DB, 2-hands/2-DB’s
A2: DB Row: 2-legs, 1-leg, 1-leg/no arm support
A3: Step Up: HBH, HBH + High Knee, DB’s
A4: Foam Roller DB Skull Crushers: 1-DB, 2-DB’s, Alternating
A5: DB Wood Chop: 1-DB to Hip, 1-DB to Knee, 2-DB’s to Knee
*click here to watch a video
B1: Backwards Wall Walk, Towel Push Pyramid: 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 4:4, 3:3, 2:2, 1:1
*click here to watch a video
60sec on and 60, 120 or 180sec off for leaders/all-stars, sophomores and rookies
C1: Mountain Climbers paired w/ Any Active & Dynamic Movement Prep Exercise:
*click here to watch a video
Static Stretch: 5min (25:5)
10. ½ Kneel Hip/Quad Against Wall-Left |
*click here to watch a video
Workout A
Foam Roll: 5min (20:10 or 5-10 rolls / reps)
- T-Spine / T. Extension
- Calves
- Hip + Quads
- Quadruped T-Spine Rotation
- DB Incline Ankle Mobes
*click here to watch a video
Movement Prep-5min (50:10 or reps posted)
- Frog Squat to T-Raise x 15-20 reps
- Backside Bridge x 50 count hold
- Lunge to Instep w/ Hip & Toe Raise x 4-8 reps each
- Plank w/ Apely Scratch x 4-8 reps each
- Lateral Lunge x 4-8 reps each
*click here to watch a video
Strength Circuit-20min
20:10, 8 rounds / circuit (4), 1min rest / circuit, 10-12 reps / ex unless holding landings for 2 counts, then 8-10 reps
A1: Squat Jump Turns: 90, 180, 360
*click here to watch a video
B1: Supine Lying Neutral Elbow Push: Bent Knee, Straight Leg, 1-Leg
B2: Crouched Push Ups: Knees, Knees off, Butt Up
*click here to watch a video
C1: Lateral Plank Walk: Kneel, Feet, Arms Forward of Head
*click here to watch a video
D1: 1-Leg Lateral Hop for Height, Lateral Bound for Distance, Lateral Bound for Distance and Height
*click here to watch a video
Finishers-5min (50:10 or max reps / exercise)
E1: Abs – Alt Leg Lower, 6” Flutter, Push Up to Side Plank, Alt Reach, Trunk Rotation
*click here to watch a video
60sec on and 60, 120 or 180sec off for leaders/all-stars, sophomores and rookies
F1: 25 Yard Shuttle Run (leaders touch hands)
*click here to watch a video
Static Stretch: 5min (25:5)
*click here to watch a video
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