Coach Mike Alves

is the owner and founder of Athletes by Alves a performance training company and owner of Change Your Body Boot Camps a full service lifestyle transformation program.  He is a Licensed and Certified Athletic Trainer with the Prestigious National Athletic Trainers Association and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the World Renowned National Strength and Conditioning Association. As a coach and trainer he has helped thousands of people return to health, improve their shape and achieve personal bests through performance training.


Mike offers a variety of services to his clientele like:  private/semi-private training, exercise & nutrition consultations, workshops, online training, phone coaching, boot camps, mentorships and fundraisers.

Coach Alves’ professional background includes experiences, successes and honors with athletes, clients and coaches from the following institutions:

alvesonball*Springfield College
*Boston Red Sox Minor League Affiliates
*Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning
*Health South
*Chicopee High School
*WMASS Pioneers Professional Soccer Club
*Fitness Together
*Boston Sports Clubs
*Mixed Martial Arts

Coach Alves’ educational background began at the Sports Science Mecca, Springfield College where he earned his B.S. in Athletic Training and now continues with his in the trenches training, attending health & fitness conference, reading professional literature, networking with colleagues and through his professional affiliations.

Coach Alves has competed or participates in the following sports:

*Sprint & Olympic Triathlons, Road Races
*Men’s Basketball & Softball Leagues
*Mixed Martial Arts:  Krav Maga, No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


To contact Boston’s Top Trainer and Coach, Mike Alves about speaking at your event, workshop or seminar, coaching your team, regarding boot camps, private & semi-private training or employment, please please fill out the contact form, call him at 617-268-6232 or e-mail him at mike (at) mikealves (dot) com.
