Disclaimer:  Use your best judgment during these workouts.  Go at your own pace.  If you need to rest, take a break or drink water, do it.  It’s o.k.  Remember form is always first.  Do not sacrifice form for speed.  These challenges are not that important, your long term health & safety is.  These are fun & challenging workouts that you’ve been prepared for over the last few weeks and are designed to yield maximum results in short periods of time if you’re following the nutrition & cardio plan.  You may need additional caloric consumption, water, stretching/rolling, naps and/or rest on these days.  Take it, its o.k.


Challenges may consist of completing a certain number of reps, rounds, distance, speed or load, a certain number of reps, rounds, distance, speed or load in a certain amount of time or training for a certain period of time.

CYBBC Challenges are modeled after biathlons and triathlons in which you have either 2 legs (swim & bike, swim & run or bike & run) or 3 legs (swim, bike & run) respectively with timed transitions in b/w each leg.

There can be team, partner and individual challenges.  A team challenge requires all of the teammates to work together to beat the challenge.  More fit team members are usually asked to do more work to help the less fit team members.  A team challenge is extremely fun, rewarding and difficult and develops camaraderie amongst participants as you support and encourage one another while training alongside one another.

A partner challenge is where 2-3 partners work together to beat the challenge.  Sometimes partners train at the same time, sometimes one partner works while the other rests and/or counts.  At all times both partners are encouraging and supporting one another.

An individual challenge means you train by yourself and work to beat the challenge.  A unique aspect of an individual challenge is once you’re done, you’re done and you don’t have to keep training whereas in partner challenges or team challenges you keep training until your partner(s) or team complete the challenge.  Individual challenges are great for travel or at home workouts and for those who get a tremendous sense of accomplishment by beating the challenge and are motivated by the potential to finish early.

Reps based challenges require you to complete a certain number of reps in a certain amount of time.  You can go in any exercise order and do any amount of reps per set that you choose.  This is great for when you have strong exercises and weak exercises.

Weak exercises should be done 1st while your freshest and strong exercises towards the end of your order.

Rest periods can be taken at any time.  If you need to rest, use the bathroom or have a sip of water, take it.  Do your best to train continuously without rest as this gives you a better chance of beating the challenge, but know you can rest at anytime.

Hoo-Rahs!  When you finish the challenge shout out a loud “Hoo-Rah!” to let everyone including yourself know you finished the challenge.  If you beat the challenge, let out another Hoo-Rah!  Each time you finish all the reps for an exercise in a reps based challenge, say “Hoo-Rah!”  Each time you finish a leg in the challenge, say “Hoo-Rah!”.

Round based challenges must be completed in order and all reps for an exercise must be completed before moving on to the next exercise.  A 6 rounds + 3 exercise description of a challenge means your goal is to complete 6 rounds and the 1st 3 exercises and all reps associated with those exercises in the next round.

Recording data is helpful for you to keep track of how many reps, rounds, distance, speed or time you’ve completed.  You must keep track of the time in which you complete a leg of your CYBBC challenges as well as the time you finish and/or beat the challenge.  Once you complete a leg of a challenge and record your time, immediately move on to the next challenge.

Exercise Order means the order in which you are supposed to do the exercises.  For example, A1 mean’s do this exercise first.  A2 means’ do this exercise second.  A3 means, do this exercise 3rd, … B1 means do this exercise after completing all reps, rounds or time for “A1, A2, A3…”exercises in previous circuit.

When an exercise is to be held for time and if you don’t have access to a chrono timer, keep track by counting “Mississippi’s”.

A round = 1 circuit of a certain number of exercises.  Example:  A1, A2, A3…A7 are the exercises in a circuit.  Complete all reps for each respective exercise from A1-A7 in the circuit = 1 round.

When you finish a challenge, post your results to facebook to share with your friends.  Post your results here:  facebook.com/ChangeYourBodyBootCamps.Newton.Ma

Warm Up

Foam Roll 5min (10:5; aim for 5-10 rolls)

Foam Roll Upper to Lower Back

Foam Roll Thoracic Extension

Foam Roll 1-Arm Lat, R/L

Foam Roll Piriformis, R/L

Foam Roll 1-Leg Hamstring, R/L

Foam Roll 1-Leg Calf, R/L

Foam Roll 1-Arm Pec, R/L

Foam Roll Bent-Knee Adductor, R/L

Foam Roll Hip Flexor / Quad,R/L

Foam Roll TFL, R/L

Foam Roll IT-Band, R/L

Movement Prep:  5min (50:10)

  1. Side-Lying Thoracic Extension w/ Rotation x8e
  2. ½ Kneeling Hip Flexor Mobes @ Wall x8e
  3. 1-Leg Bridge x8e
  4. 3-Way Flat Ankle Mobes x5e
  5. Deep Squat x8


In Class Challenge Workout #1 – W-A (Team) – complete max rounds in 35min or less.

Foam Roll (5min): see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series:  see above for individual exercises

Strength Circuit:  Challenge is Max Rounds in 35min or less.  TDBWt=30-50%BW

Rd1.  Kneeling Band Pull Aparts x24

Rd2.  Quick Feet Line Jumps x3 (6ex x 4landings)

Rd3.  R-Leg Pistol Squat x16

Rd4.  Lateral Shuffle x24 lengths (cones set 5 yards apart)

Rd5.  L-Leg Pistol Squat x16

Rd6.  Lateral Shuffle w/ Crossover Step x24 lengths (cones set 5 yards apart)

Rd7.  1-Arm Assisted Towel Push Up x28

Rd8.  Turn & Run x32 lengths

Rd9.  DB Push Up Rows x16

Rd10.  Fwd & Bwd Run x32 lengths

Static Stretch W-B Series (5min) – 25:5

Push Up Calf, R / L

Split Adductor Mobes, R / L

Side-Lying Thoracic Hold, R/L

Seated Piriformis @ Wall, R/L

½ Kneel Quad + Hip Flexor Push @ Wall, R/L

In Class Challenge Workout #2 – W-B (Individual) – complete CW#2 in 30min or less.

Foam Roll (5min): see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series:  see above for individual exercises

Core: challenge is 1 circuit in 5min or less.

A1.  4pt. Stability x15s, 30s, 15s

B1.  Hallow Hold x60s

Strength Circuit:  challenge is 320 reps in 20min or less.  5-25%BW=TDB Wt

C1.  Pull Up w/ Rotation x80

C2.  DB Swings to Overhead x80

C3.  DB Lateral Lunge to Reach to Overhead Press x80

C4.  DB Lateral Lunge to Reach to Overhead Press x80

Band Relay Conditioningchallenge is 2 rounds in 5min or less.

D1.  High Knee Runs x80 (1-length), backpedal

D2.  Sprint x1-length, backpedal

D3.  Bear Crawl to ½ Court then Sprint x1-length, backpedal

D4.  Backwards Run x1-length, backpedal

D5.  Cariocca-R x1-length, backpedal

D6.  Cariocca-L x1-length, backpedal

Static Stretch W-C Series (5min) – 35:5

Forward Bend,

Deep Squat

Deep Squat R/L Arm to Sky

Stride Back R/L

Stride Back w/ T-Spine Rot. Raise R/L

½ Kneeling Tricep Pull, R/L

Childs Pose C/R/L

Seated Shoulder Sit & Reach

Supine on Roller, “W” Pec Stretch

Challenge Day #3 (W-A) – complete challenge in 15min or less.

Foam Roll (5min): see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series:  see above for individual exercises

Strength Circuit:  challenge is 3 rounds in 15min or less.  TDB Load = 20-40% BW.

A1.  R-Leg Squat x8

A2.  L-Leg Squat x8

A3.  Towel Plyo Push Ups x8

A4.  DB Push Up Rows x8

Click here to follow along with challenge workout #3.

Static Stretch W-C Series (5min) – 25:5

Forward Bend,

Deep Squat

Deep Squat R/L Arm to Sky

Stride Back R/L

Stride Back w/ T-Spine Rot. Raise R/L

½ Kneeling Tricep Pull, R/L

Childs Pose C/R/L

Seated Shoulder Sit & Reach

Supine on Roller, “W” Pec Stretch

Challenge Day #4 (W-B) – complete challenge in 15min or less.

Foam Roll (5min): see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series:  see above for individual exercises

Strength Circuit:  challenge is 8 rounds in 15min or less.  TDB Load = 30-50% BW.

A1.  DB Pullovers x4

A2.  DB Swings to Overhead x4

A3.  DB Lateral Lunge to Reach to Overhead Press x4

A4.  DB Lateral Lunge to Reach to Overhead Press x4

Click here to follow along with challenge workout #4.

Static Stretch W-C Series (5min) – 25:5

Forward Bend,

Deep Squat

Deep Squat R/L Arm to Sky

Stride Back R/L

Stride Back w/ T-Spine Rot. Raise R/L

½ Kneeling Tricep Pull, R/L

Childs Pose C/R/L

Seated Shoulder Sit & Reach

Supine on Roller, “W” Pec Stretch

Challenge Day #5 (W-A) – complete all challenges in 15min or less.

Foam Roll (5min): see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series:  see above for individual exercises

Strength Circuit:  challenge is 150 reps in 15min or less.

A1.  Spider March Kick Thru’s x75

A2.  Hands Free Burpee Jumps x75

*do any rep denomination or combination you choose

*this CW and video are being recycled from CD#3, P1, 2013 b/c it’s awesome. J

Click here to follow along with challenge workout #5.

Static Stretch W-C Series (5min) – 25:5

Forward Bend,

Deep Squat

Deep Squat R/L Arm to Sky

Stride Back R/L

Stride Back w/ T-Spine Rot. Raise R/L

½ Kneeling Tricep Pull, R/L

Childs Pose C/R/L

Seated Shoulder Sit & Reach

Supine on Roller, “W” Pec Stretch

Challenge Workout #1 – W-A (Team Challenge) – complete max rounds in 35min or less.

Foam Roll (5min): see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series:  see above for individual exercises

Strength Circuit:  Challenge is Max Rounds in 35min or less.  TDBWt=30-50%BW

Rd1.  Kneeling Band Pull Aparts x24

Rd2.  Quick Feet Line Jumps x3 (6ex x 4landings)

Rd3.  R-Leg Pistol Squat x16

Rd4.  Lateral Shuffle x24 lengths (cones set 5 yards apart)

Rd5.  L-Leg Pistol Squat x16

Rd6.  Lateral Shuffle w/ Crossover Step x24 lengths (cones set 5 yards apart)

Rd7.  1-Arm Assisted Towel Push Up x28

Rd8.  Turn & Run x32 lengths

Rd9.  DB Push Up Rows x16

Rd10.  Fwd & Bwd Run x32 lengths

Static Stretch W-B Series (5min) – 25:5

Push Up Calf, R / L

Split Adductor Mobes, R / L

Side-Lying Thoracic Hold, R/L

Seated Piriformis @ Wall, R/L

½ Kneel Quad + Hip Flexor Push @ Wall, R/L

Challenge Workout #1 – W-A (Team Challenge)

Team Challenge #People X Reps / Rounds / Straws = Goal Rounds Actual Rounds +/-Differential +/- Per Person
6:30pm Strength & Conditioning 13 X 20 = 260 283 +23 +1.8
X =
X =
6:00am Strength & Conditioning 14 X 20 = 280 311 +31 +2.2
X =
X =
9:00am Strength & Conditioning 13 X 20 = 260 301 +41 +3.2
X =
X =


Name Rounds
Regina Lavelle 23
Ed Pollis 25
Susan Suminski 22
Madeline McNeely 26
Paula Pollis 23
Christine Murphy 25
Laura Musholt 22
Walter Piescik 25
Laurel Britt-Webb 24
Kerry Cietanno 25
Ellen Epstein 19
Lauren Coyne 24
Jennifer St. Onge ?

Name Rounds
Lisa Listerman 23
Quyen Chu 19
Mich Crowley 22
Nasrin Sadeghi 22
Shannon Armstrong 22
Kim Callanan 19
LeeAnn Liu 25
Mike Coyne 28
Lisa de Lima 8
Sharon Russo 23
Alicia Straus 22
Jennifer Mendelsohn 25
Yari Korchnoy 30
Amy Landry 23

Name Rounds
Jim Pelis 30
Krista Kett 20
Cecilia Vernes 22
Cathy Devoe 24
Helen Rousseau 22
Marisa Cimino 26
Michele Pelletier 18
Caroline Burns 19
Sean Crowley 29
Carol Vaghar 20
Scott Timmins 27
Mich Crowley 22
Nasrin Sadeghi 22

Challenge Workout #2 – W-B (Individual Challenge) – complete CW#2 in 30min or less.

Foam Roll (5min): see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series:  see above for individual exercises

Core: challenge is 1 circuit in 5min or less.

A1.  4pt. Stability x15s, 30s, 15s

B1.  Hallow Hold x60s

Strength Circuit:  challenge is 320 reps in 20min or less.  5-25%BW=TDB Wt

C1.  Pull Up w/ Rotation x80

C2.  DB Swings to Overhead x80

C3.  DB Lateral Lunge to Reach to Overhead Press x80

C4.  DB Lateral Lunge to Reach to Overhead Press x80

Band Relay Conditioningchallenge is 2 rounds in 5min or less.

D1.  High Knee Runs x80 (1-length), backpedal

D2.  Sprint x1-length, backpedal

D3.  Bear Crawl to ½ Court then Sprint x1-length, backpedal

D4.  Backwards Run x1-length, backpedal

D5.  Cariocca-R x1-length, backpedal

D6.  Cariocca-L x1-length, backpedal

Static Stretch W-C Series (5min) – 35:5

Forward Bend,

Deep Squat

Deep Squat R/L Arm to Sky

Stride Back R/L

Stride Back w/ T-Spine Rot. Raise R/L

½ Kneeling Tricep Pull, R/L

Childs Pose C/R/L

Seated Shoulder Sit & Reach

Supine on Roller, “W” Pec Stretch

Challenge Day #2 – W-B (Individual)

Team Challenge #People X Goal Time = Goal Average Time Actual Average Time +/-Differential +/- Per Person
6:30pm Core X 5:00 = 5:00
Strength X 20:00 = 20:00
Conditioning X 5:00 = 5:00
6:00am Core 10 X 5:00 = 5:00 5:00 0:00 0:00
Strength 10 X 20:00 = 20:00 21:13 +1:13 +0.07
Conditioning 10 X 5:00 = 5:00 9:25 +4:25 +0:26
9:00am Core 12 X 5:00 = 5:00 5:00 0:00 0:00
Strength 12 X 20:00 = 20:00 22:28 +2:28 +0:12
Conditioning 12 X 5:00 = 5:00 8:49 +3:49 +0:19


Name Core Time Strength Time Time @ End of Strength Conditioning Time Time @ End of CW
Yari Korchnoy 5:00 18:05:00 23:05:00 7:40:00 30:45:00
Sharon Russo 5:00 19:40:00 24:40:00 7:20:00 32:00:00
Jennifer Mendelsohn 5:00 23:02:00 28:02:00 6:28:00 34:30:00
Liliana Bonilla-Colon 5:00 21:20:00 26:20:00 8:46:00 35:06:00
Quyen Chu 5:00 22:32:00 27:32:00 8:22:00 35:54:00
Alicia Straus 5:00 21:02:00 26:02:00 10:26:00 36:28:00
LeeAnn Liu 5:00 24:28:00 29:28:00 7:32:00 37:00:00
Lisa Listerman 5:00 15:10:00 20:10:00 16:50:00 37:00:00
Laura Musholt 5:00 22:40:00 27:40:00 10:50:00 38:30:00
Cecilia Vernes 5:00 24:10:00 29:10:00 10:02:00 39:12:00


Name Core Time Strength Time Time @ End of Strength Conditioning Time Time @ End of CW
Marisa Cimino 5:00 15:36:00 20:36:00 7:48:00 28:24:00
Scott Timmins 5:00 21:36:00 26:36:00 5:54:00 32:30:00
LeeAnn Liu 5:00 16:13:00 21:13:00 12:24:00 33:37:00
Caroline Burns 5:00 22:29:00 27:29:00 7:31:00 35:00:00
Carol Vaghar 5:00 20:05:00 25:05:00 10:03:00 35:08:00
Amy Landry 5:00 21:10:00 26:10:00 9:01:00 35:11:00
Helen Rousseau 5:00 23:35:00 28:35:00 7:29:00 36:04:00
Nasrin Sadeghi 5:00 22:52:00 27:52:00 9:43:00 37:35:00
Quyen Chu 5:00 25:37:00 30:37:00 7:08:00 37:45:00
Ellen Epstein 5:00 25:45:00 30:45:00 7:55:00 38:40:00
Liliana Bonilla-Colon 5:00 22:44:00 27:44:00 12:42:00 40:26:00
Cecilia Vernes 5:00 31:54:00 36:54:00 8:16:00 45:10:00
Yiqi Jin

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