Disclaimer: Use your best judgment during these workouts.  Go at your own pace.  If you need to rest, take a break or drink water, do it.  It’s o.k.  Remember form is always first.  Do not sacrifice form for speed.  These workouts are not that important, your long-term health & safety is.  These are fun & challenging workouts that you’ve been prepared for over the last few weeks and are designed to yield maximum results in short periods of time if you’re following the nutrition & cardio plan.  You may need additional caloric consumption, water, stretching/rolling, naps and/or rest on these days.  Take it, its o.k.


The goal of empowerment week is 2-fold:  build in recovery from high intensity training and allow members to practice what they’ve learned by training on their own to develop greater master of movement and stronger “can do” mental muscles!  High intensity training can yield fast results and also can increase a person’s risk for overtraining and injury.

Members who feel beat up and need muscle and joint recovery from strength training and/or a break from intense training can choose to do a reduced frequency of training per week, less volume of strength training, different strength training and/or no strength training.  I do recommend members exercise every week in some form and still hit their cardio goals.  If you do no strength training, women’s cardio goals are 360min and men’s cardio goals are 250min.

Also, new members or members who have been inconsistent with their training may be able to go 3-6 months or more of weekly training without taking a week off from strength training due to a reduced training age and adaptation.  Listen to your body and your heart.  Your body will tell you if you need a break or if you can keep going.  Your heart will tell you if you’re lying to yourself or being honest.  Listen to the message that’s going to help you get better. If your body says you need a break and your heart agrees, take one.  If your body says it can go and your heart agrees, then train.  If your body says no and your heart disagrees, then train.  If your body says yes and your heart disagrees, then don’t train.  Your heart always has your back.

When you finish an empowerment week workout, post your results to our facebook pageto share with your friends.  Post your results here: facebook.com/ChangeYourBodyBootCamps.Newton.Ma

Warm Up



September 3 – September 22, 2018, Phase 10, Warm Ups 


Foam Roll 5min (10:5; aim for 5-10 rolls)

Foam Roll Upper to Lower Back Foam Roll 1-Arm Pec, R/L
Foam Roll Thoracic Extension Foam Roll Bent-Knee Adductor, R/L
Foam Roll 1-Arm Lat, R/L Foam Roll Hip Flexor / Quad, R/L
Foam Roll Piriformis, R/L Foam Roll TFL, R/L
Foam Roll 1-Leg Hamstring, R/L Foam Roll IT-Band, R/L
Foam Roll 1-Leg Calf, R/L

Static Stretch (3min)

Day 1 – Bands (15:5) Day 2 – Wall (25:5) Day 3:  Mat+Roller (15:5)
1.    SB Ham – R/L

2.    SB Add Pull – R/L

3.    SB Hip Cross – R/L

4.    SB Quad Pull – R/L

5.    HK Triceps -R/L

1.    Split Adductor – R/L

2.    T-Spine Rotation – R/L

3.    Prone Glute Push -R/L

1.    Forward Bend

2.    Deep Squat

3.    DS R/L Reach

4.    Stride Back, R/L

5.    T-Spine Rot, R/L

6.    HK Triceps – R/L


P10, Workout B, Warm Up P10, Workout A, Warm Up
1.    Side-Lying Windmill to Shirt Tuck x3e 1.    Child Pose T-Spine Rot (forearms w/ hand behind back) x8e
2.    Half Kneel Hip Flexor March x8e 2.    FR DB OH Alt Leg Raise x8e
3.    1-Leg Bridge to Towel Ext or Curl x8e 3.    DB OH Towel Curls to Bridge x8-20
4.    mb Hip ER+IR x10e, F&B Mnstr Wlk x10 4.    Band External Rotation @ 300 x8-15
5.    Incline Ankle Mobes x8e 5.    Half Kneeling Flat Ankle Mobes x5e
6.    mini band Facing Wall Slide x8 6.    mB HBH Squat + Lat Shuffle Walks x10e
7.    Standing Arm Drive x20sec 7.    Standing Arm Drive x20sec
8.    Hurdle Squat A&L Drive Pattern x3e 8.    Hurdle Squat A&L Drive Pattern x3e
9.    Alt High Knee Ankling + Skip w/ Arm Drive x6e 9.    Alt High Knee Ankling + Skip w/ Arm Drive x6e
10.         Bwd Inchworm 10. Lateral High Plank Walk x2c
11. Spider Lunge to 1-Arm Reach x2c 11.  Alt Deep Squat to Crossover Toe Touch x2c
12.         Alt Quad Pull to Crossover Toe Touch x2c 12.         Figure Four Inv Ham Y-Reach x2c




Workout B (modified), Day 1:  completeMax Reps in ~23min!

Foam Roll (5min):  see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series: see above for individual exercises

StrengthcompleteMax Reps in ~23min,15-35%BW.


A1.  1-Leg Towel Curls x10

A2.  Lateral Hurdle Hops x3e

3min (2:1), Max Reps
B1.  Alt. Spider March Kick Thru to Table Top x2e 4min (2:2), Max Reps
B2.  Band Hip Rotations x8e
C1.  DB Hang Jump Shrug – palms neutral

C2.  DB Hang Clean Pull – palms neutral

C3.  DB Hang Power Clean – palms neutral

C4.  DB Front Squat – palms neutral

S1.  Quadruped Wrist Flexor Stretch

S2.  Hands Behind Back, Neck Mobes x3e

5.17min (2.67:2.5),

continuous 10sec,

2rds, max reps,

40sec active rest

D1.  Pike Push Ups 1.5min (1:0.5),

20:10, 2 sets, Max Reps

E1.  2-DB SLDL to High Knee
Conditioning:  Jumping Jacks x120 3min (2:1.25), Max Reps
F1.  DB Straight Arm Pullovers 1.5min (1:0.5),

20:10, 2 sets, Max Reps

G1.  Facing Wall Sides w/ Lift Off
*Coach Mike did 285 total reps  

Cool Down (mats & band): 2min (15:5)

1-Arm Chest Push, R/L

1-Arm Lat Pull, R/L

Behind Back Overhead Shoulder Reach


Workout A (modified), Day 2:  completeMax Reps in ~35min!


Foam Roll (5min):  see above for individual exercises

Movement Prep Series:  see above for individual exercises

Strength:complete Max Reps in ~35min; 15-35%BW.

A1.  DB Alt. Leg Raise from FR x5e

A2.  Tuck Jumps – Continuous x5

4min (3:1), Max Reps
B1.  (1:1) Push Up T’s x (8e, 7e, 5e or 4e) 5min (3:2), Max Reps
B2.  DB Towel Curl to Bridge x10
C1.  DB Hang Jump Shrug – palms down

C2.  DB Hang High Pull – palms down

C3.  DB Hang Muscle Curl – palms neutral

C4.  DB Front Squat – palms neutral

S1.  Quadruped Wrist Flexor Stretch

S2.  Hands Behind Back, Neck Mobes x3e

5.17min (2.67:2.5),

continuous 10sec,

2rds, max reps,

40sec active rest

D1.  Push Ups 1.5min (1:0.5),

20:10, 2 sets, Max Reps

E1.  Floor Slides
Conditioning:  Jumping Jacks x120 3min (2:1.25), Max Reps
F1.  DB 1-Leg Squats on Bench 1.5min (1:0.5),

20:10, 2 sets, Max Reps

G1.  Half Kneel TRX Y-Raise
*Coach Mike did 391 total reps




Cool Down – (mats & wall):  5min (25:5)

Push Up Calf, R / L

½ Kneel Quad + Hip Flexor Push @ Wall, R/L