CYBBC-2010, P8, W-A:  click here for PDF version

Change Your Body Boot Camps

2010, P8 Workout A

Foam Roll:  5min (20:10)

  1. 1-Leg Hamstring
  2. 1-Leg Calf
  3. 1-Arm Pec
  4. ½ Kneeling Hip Flexor Mobes
  5. 3-Way Straight Leg Ankle Mobes
Movement Prep-10min, (50:10)

  1. Frog Squat to T-Raise
  2. Plank to Push Up
  3. Backwards Lunge w/ Frontal Plane Arm Drivers
  4. Wall 0 Degree External Rotation Holds
  5. Lateral Lunge Matrix

Run, Backwards Run, Run, Backwards Run x 2

Strength Circuit -20 minutes:  60:60, Strength: Core; 2 rounds, 25-30 reps / exercise

1A:  1-Leg Squat ProgressionsBench Lunge, 1-Leg Squat to Box, 1-Leg Squat on Box

1B:  Towel Crawl ProgressionsForearms & Knees, Forearms & Feet, Hands & Feet

2A:  Wall DB Supinate Biceps CurlsStanding, Wall Sit @ 90, Wall Sit @ 90 w/ Alt

2B:  Towel Crawl ProgressionsForearms & Knees, Forearms & Feet, Hands & Feet

3A:  DB Sumo Dead Lift (DL) ProgressionsFrog Squat, DB Sumo DL, DB Sumo DL to High Pull

3B:  Towel Crawl ProgressionsForearms & Knees, Forearms & Feet, Hands & Feet

4A:  Regular Push Up ProgressionsKnees, Feet, Spider

4B:  Towel Crawl ProgressionsForearms & Knees, Forearms & Feet, Hands & Feet

5A:  Supine Triceps BridgeBK Head, Tri and Heels, BK Tri & Heel, Straight Leg, Tri & Heel

5B:  Towel Crawl ProgressionsForearms & Knees, Forearms & Feet, Hands & Feet

Run, Backwards Run, Run, Backwards Run x 2


2A.  Hips (50:10): Lateral Band Walk, Linear Band Walk, R-Leg Bridge Progressions (floor, bk-wall, sl-wall), L-Leg Bridge Progressions (floor, bk-wall, sl-wall), 2-Leg Bridge (floor, bk-wall, sl-wall)

Run, Backwards Run, Run, Backwards Run x 2

Conditioning:  Shuttle Runs-15 minutes:  max rounds; 30 sec work, 30, 60, 90 sec active recovery

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
10 yd shuttles Full court suicides ½ court shuttles challenge


15 min; max rounds

15 x 30:30, touch floor


15 min; max rounds

15 x 30:30


15min; max rounds

10 x 30:60


15min; max rounds

7.5 x 30:90

Static Stretch-5min (15:5):  hold each stretch for 15 seconds; 5 sec to switch

1.      Superband 1-Leg Hamstring Pull

2.      SB 1-Leg Adductor Pull

3.      SB 1-Leg Hip Crossover Pull

4.      SB Side-Lying Quad Pull;

Repeat 1-4 on opposite leg

5.      ½ Kneeling Triceps Pull; each side

6.      Partner Chest Push; each side

7.      Partner 1-Arm Lat Pull; each side

8.      Behind Back Overhead Shoulder Reach

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