Big High Five for Completing and surviving Challenge Week!

Please post your comments below to share your thoughts, how you felt, what changes you experienced, etc…

Round & Round We Go Challenge

2 10-minute circuits

3 exercises in each circuit

Complete 10 reps or 10 “mississippi’s” per exercise.

Complete all 3 exercises to make a round.

If you complete all reps or time associated with 1 or 2 exercises, but not the 3rd, you get 0.3 or 0.6 towards your round total.

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as possible.




# Rounds


Goal Rounds

Actual Rounds

Total Goal Rounds

Total Actual Rounds


Conditioning Goal











20:31          (+0:31)











































Congratulations to all teams on great efforts.  Big High Fives to the 9am and the 6:30pm classes for beating the Round & Round We Go Challenge & the Shuttle Run Challenge.

Shuttle Run Challenge

Rookies 70 line touches in 20minutes

Sophomores 90 line touches in 20minutes

All-Stars & Leaders 140 line touches in 20 minutes

Non-Runners, 600 Mountain Climbers in 20 minutes

Team Goals:  All participants must finish their goals in 20 minutes or less to beat the challenge.

If you finish early, congrats, get a drink and run with a teammate.  You all finish together.

Conditioning Times:

Team Group Line Goal Time
My apologies.  Coach was caught up in coaching & cheering, no other times recorded.  I’ll work to do better.
Jo Doherty Sophomores 90 8:22
Lynn Palmatier Rookie 70 8:46
Susanna Fantozzi Sophomores 90 9:05
Michelle Market Sophomores 90 9:23
Jennifer Stomberg Sophomores 90 9:37
Susan Andelman Sophomores 90 10:26
Sally Babigian Sophomores 90 10:38
Susan Poston Sophomores 90 10:46
Marisa Cimino Leader 140 14:13
Florence Chan Leader 140 15:08
Jackie Bunt Sophomores 90 8:01
Chrissy Thurmond Sophomores 90 9:34
Kim Santilli Rookie 70 9:11
Janice Copley Rookie 70 6:57
Kerry McManama Rookie 70 6:32

Challenge Day #2

What’s sore?

“My butt!”  “My shoulders!”  “My calves!” “My shins!”

Amazing output by all.  Do you understand how much volume you completed in 25 minutes?  This is wicked impressive.

To anyone who did level 2 or 3 exercises.  You’re bad a**.  J

550 Rep Challenge

100 Fwd / Bwd Line Jumps

100 1-Arm Drop Presses (50 each arm)

100 1-Leg Lateral Hops (50 each leg)

100 Wall Slides

100 Plank Alternating Extremity Reaches

50 Turkish Get Ups (25 each side)

Complete all reps in 25 minutes

*Upon finishing report your time

**If you finish early, you may do additional reps to help team

Team Reps Time
Maria Vacca 550+ 17:07
Jackie Bunt 550+ 19:28
Kerry McManama 550+ 20:35
Bill Weinreb 550+ 20:55
Chrissy Thurmond 550+ 22:07
Susan Andelman 550+ 23:11
Janice Copley 550+ 23:32
Kim Santili 530 25:00
Total Reps 4380 25:00
Team Rep Goal (550 x 18) 4000 In 25:00 minutes
You beat it! +380 Congratulations!
+/- Rep Differential / # People +21.11 / person or 21.11 reps / person
6am Reps Time
Pam Swift 550 23:40
Jeff Evaul 675 25:00
Amy Travers 538 25:00
ME Patti 525 25:00
Jamie Schnitzer 585 25:00
Alicia Strauss 539 25:00
Susan Kessel 510 25:00
Mary-Alice Tully 515 25:00
Lora Gross-Kostka 421 25:00
Lisa Radley 680 25:00
Helen Rousseau 550 25:00
Meghan Honan 550 25:00
Pam Venti 541 25:00
Linda Riak 605 25:00
Martin Allen 545 25:00
Richard Goren 650 25:00
Katy Coughlin 540 25:00
Debbie O’Leary 540 25:00
Donna O’Leary ? ?
Total Reps 10059 25:00
Team Rep Goal (550 x 18) 9900 In 25:00 minutes
You beat it! +159 Congratulations!
+/- Rep Differential / # People +8.83 / person or 558.83 reps / person
9am Reps Time
Marisa Cimino 550 (945) 14:40 (25:00)
Susan Andelman 550 (800) 21:29 (25:00)
Susana Fantozzi 522 25:00
Michelle Market 545 25:00
Lynn Palmatieri 500 25:00
Jo Doherty 704 25:00
Jen Stomberg 940 25:00
Sally Babigian 450 25:00
Total Reps 5406 25:00
Team Rep Goal (550 x 8) 4400 In 25:00 minutes
You beat it! +1006 Congratulations!
+/- Rep Differential / # People +125.75 / person or 675.75 reps / person

Straw Drop Lap Arounds Challenge (need better name, suggestions welcome)

Each person gets 2 straws for every minute of test length.

If running is your strength, grab extra straws.

Team Goal is to drop as many straws or more than team goal.

Team Goal is # of people x 2 straws x time.

Team # Participanats # Straws Class Goal Class Actual + / – Differential Actual Time / Time
6:30pm 8 10 80 82 +2 5:00/5:00
6am 19 20 380 380 Even 9:56/10:00
9am 8 20 160 160 Even 9:16/10:00
Congratulations to all teams on beating the Straw Drop Lap Arounds Challenge!

Challenge Day #3

The 2000 rep challenge.  Tell me you weren’t intimidated by the sounds of it.  J

1000 Rep Partner Strength Challenge

Complete 500 reps of the following exercises per person in 20 minutes.

Perform all level 1 exercises, unless suggested otherwise or you’re that tough.

Face your partner during the exercises.

60 Squats

60 Push Ups

60 1-Leg Bridges

60 Partner Band Pulldowns

80 Partner Side Planks

35 Partner Over-Unders

35 Partner Under-Overs

35 Partner Pass Right

35 Partner Pass Left

40 Figure Eights…………………………

500 Reps Total

x 2 partners

1000 Reps Partner Total

Team Reps Time
Marisa C / Susana F 1000 18:47 / 20:00
Susan P / Sally B 882 20:00 / 20:00
Jo D / Michelle M 950 20:00 / 20:00
Lynn P / Susan A 890 20:00 / 20:00
Goal = 4000/team Actual:  3722 or 930/partner Difference = -278

You didn’t beat the team challenge, but Congratulations for a Great Effort

Florence C / Maria V 1000 19:40
Bill W / Janice C 890 20:00
Chrissy T / Jackie B 970 20:00
Goal = 3000/team Actual = 2860 or 953/team Difference = -140

You didn’t beat the team challenge, but Congratulations for a Great Effort

Marc G / Jeff E 1000 20:00
Jenn O / Paul C 1000 20:00
Pam / Katy 905 20:00
Martin / Helen 960 20:00
Linda / Barbara 900 20:00
Alicia / Becca 956 20:00
Pam / Mita 902 20:00
Lora / Lisa / Meghan 1400 20:00
Donna / Debbie 800 20:00
Goal = 9500/team Actual = 8823 or 928/team Difference = -677

You didn’t beat the team challenge, but Congratulations for a Great Effort

1000 Rep Partner High Knee Run Challenge

Perform 16 total rounds of high knee runs

2 – 8min rounds of 20:10, followed by a 1min rest

Count each turnover as 1 (every time 1  knee raises it equals 1 rep)

Team Reps Time
Marisa C / Susana F 1320 16 rounds
Susan P / Sally B 1410 16 rounds
Jo D / Michelle M 1386 16 rounds
Lynn P / Susan A 1370 16 rounds
Goal = 4000/team Actual:  5486 or 1371/partner Difference = +1486

Congratulations!  You beat the team challenge.

Florence C / Maria V 1073 16 rounds
Bill W / Janice C 940 16 rounds
Chrissy T / Jackie B 1820 16 rounds
Goal = 3000/team Actual = 3833 or 1278/team Difference = +833

Congratulations!  You beat the team challenge.

Marc G / Jeff E 1700 16 rounds
Jenn O / Paul C 767 16 rounds
Pam / Katy 1000 16 rounds
Martin / Helen 1065 16 rounds
Linda / Barbara 1222 16 rounds
Alicia / Becca 1040 16 rounds
Pam / Mita 980 16 rounds
Lora / Lisa / Meghan 1810 16 rounds
Donna / Debbie 650 16 rounds
Goal = 9500/team Actual = 10234 or 1077/team Difference = +734

Congratulations!  You beat the team challenge.

S&C Team Challenge


Actual S&C Reps

Goal S&C Reps

6am – Y



9am – N



6:30pm – Y



2000 Rep Partner S&C Challenge

Marc G / Jeff E 1700+1000= 2700 Y
Jenn O / Paul C 767+1000=1767 N
Pam / Katy 1000+905=1905 N
Martin / Helen 1065+960=2025 Y
Linda / Barbara 1222+900=2122 Y
Alicia / Becca 1040+956=1996 N
Pam / Mita 980+902=1882 N
Lora / Lisa / Meghan 1810+1400=3210 Y
Donna / Debbie 800+650=1450 N
Marisa C / Susana F 1000+1320=2320 Y
Susan P / Sally B 882+1410=2292 Y
Jo D / Michelle M 950+1386=2336 Y
Lynn P / Susan A 890+1370=2260 Y
Florence C / Maria V 1000+1073=2073 Y
Bill W / Janice C 890+940=1830 N
Chrissy T / Jackie B 970+1820=2790 Y

Congratulations to those that beat the challenges!

Thank you for your business this past year.

I look forward to your continued success in 2010

Your coach,


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